20 April 2011

Things that i learn from school.



OK since you've chosen to read this, there you go.

This is the first warning, think thoroughly before you go further.


OK, so, hi! Things that i've learn from school today. Im utterly grateful that im in school today so that im not missing another beautiful chapter of my life. Im telling you these, you might agree and follow or you might disagree and ignore them. One way or another, i still think they're essential if you want to be less worried about yourselves or to get everyone's (even those you didnt like) heart.

So here we go :

1. Never reveal your true feelings to people you've barely known.

2. Never judge a book by its cover. He / She looks innocent and friendly, the minute she's (let's use 'she' as im referring this to a girl) listening to your story, the next minute she's stabbing you at your back (which fits the photo at the top except the knives are in front). Or more specifically, telling it to that pa
rticular person you didnt want her to know in a million years. Yeah, innocent.

3. Never be angry in front of the others. =)

4. Nor should you cry. If it's not your fault.

5. Do not, absolutely do not, apologise profusely (and not sincere in a least bit) after you've done things that makes people loathe you to the core. Cos it's very irritating (to people like me).

6. Hiding your head in your hands and wanting everyone to pat you on the back and stand at your side (even if you're wrong) makes me puke.

7. EQ = shows your big fake smile and repeats 'it's OK' e
ven when, deep down in your heart, you're scolding, fuck you bitch.

8. Dont ask questions cos you want the answers, which you already knew.

I reckon i've grown up quite a bit today. Yeah, a nice day it is.

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